Gürkan Özsoy Blog

Tamamen Kişisel

World of Warships için hangi mod paketini kullanmalı?

World of Warships için Modstation mu yoksa Aslain mod paketini mi tercih etmeli? Bu size kalmış! Fakat belirtmem lazım; Modstation sık sık güncellenmez ama Aslain sürekli güncellenen dinamik bir yapıya sahiptir. Tavsiyem Aslain mod paketini kullanmanız yönündedir. Paketlerin kurulumunu aşağıdaki video da anlattım.

Modstation: https://worldofwarships.eu/tr/content/modstation/
Aslain: https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/2020-download-%E2%98%85-world-of-warships-%E2%98%85-modpack/

Aslain modlarından kurduklarım aşağıda.

==================[ TEAM MINI-PANELS ]=====================
Team Mini-Panel by AutoSpy
Team Mini-Panel: v2
======================[ MARKERS ]=========================
Ship Movement Indicator (düşman gemisinin ileri-geri hareketlerini gösterir)
SMI: v3 (aslain)
Speed Indicator
Spotted Indicator
Advanced Depth Charge Marker
Numerical Remaining Battery on Submarines
=======================[ MINIMAP ]=======================
2D Radio Position Finding
Advanced Attention Marker
Submarine Pingers on Minimap
======================[ BATTLE UI ]=======================
Battle Expert
Battle Expert: v1
Post Battle Progress Numbers
Compact Quick Commands
Aircraft Carrier Helpers
FT Assistant 2 – Help the operation of CV’s fighter
CV Telegraph
CV POI static indicator
Central Squadron Healtbar
Numerical HP on Squadrons
Shot Timer
Radar Timer
Reload Timer
Clock in battle
Battle Timer
Numerical Capture Time on Objective Marker
Travel Time to Capture Point
===============[ BATTLE GUI CUSTOMIZATION ]=================
Remove unwanted texts from the map view (Pure tactical map)
=====================[ CROSSHAIRS ]=======================
Show max speed of target at crosshair
Blur Effects Remover
===================[ PORT INTERFACE ]======================
Server population
Ship Carousel
Compact carousel
XP to next ship
Ships Win Rate & Battles Played [toggle: L.ALT]
======================[ TWEAKS ]=========================
Battle replays recording
Remove limit of max replays
Enable versioned replays folder